
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Transfer All Matured Time Deposits

Loan Performer offers the flexibility of transferring matured time deposits to the corresponding client's savings account. The transfer will include both the principal amount and interest earned in the period.  

How to transfer All Matured Time Deposits

To transfer matured time deposits you go to Savings\Time Deposit\Transfer all Matured Time Deposits. A window like the one below shows up:

1. You will be able to see all the time deposit transactions that occurred on the client's account under the menu Clients/Individual clients/Time Deposit (Ind. Clients).


Note: Before you can transfer matured time deposits,

1. Ensure that there is a designated savings product that the time deposits will be transferred to

2. Also ensure that all time deposit clients no single client is with out savings account

3. Also note: That only one savings product can be used to transfer time deposits at a time.

4. All beneficiary clients must have the selected savings product or else the transfer will not be effected.

5. If some beneficiaries have no required savings product yet the transfer has to take place, you can un tick their corresponding check box of such clients and proceed with the transfer of the other beneficiaries as seen below.

NB: The transferred amount is reflected in the clients Savers Statement at Savings\Savings Reports\Saver's Statement.

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